Purpose 🎯

World Language Teachers will learn how to use Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to save time planning lessons, creating visuals, grading, and differentiating instruction.

Outcomes πŸ“ˆ

By the end of this professional development, participants will be able to:

Logistics 🚚

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Microsoft Forms


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AI to Save Time.pptx

Agenda πŸ“…

  1. How to think about A.I.
  2. Choose your own adventure
  3. What are we thinking now? What do we need?

Tools πŸ“ˆ


Choose Your Own Adventure πŸ—»


Grading with A.I.

Lesson Planning with A.I.

Create a Story with A.I. - Step by Step


Flippity + A.I.

A.I. Image Generation

Online Games + A.I.

How To’s πŸ› οΈ

Untitled Database

ChatGPT Massive All-In-One Pack

ChatGPT Teacher’s Pack

How to think about AI. major concepts that you have to wrap your brain around to be able to get the most out of ai. Thinking about ai has genius toddlers because it's in the early stages of the technology and they're changing rapidly from day to day. This means we have to rapidly adapt to ever changing situations. The future will require us to use AI in the skills required for that are surprising. For instance you have to be able to spell suddenly again. Ai shows up in a variety of different ways and different purposes.

This document discusses major concepts to consider when thinking about AI, including the need to rapidly adapt to changing situations and the surprising skills required to use AI effectively. The document notes that AI shows up in a variety of ways and for different purposes.